Exploring Crystal language

These days I decided to explore the Crystal programming language, a high-performance, statically-typed programming language with Ruby-inspired syntax. To do so, I decided to port NativeDump and TrickDump to it.

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FakeRebootAlert - Deceive users to reboot a system upon login

Windows Forms App designed to display a popup asking users to reboot their machine. It can be useful in scenarios where a system restart is necessary for changes to take effect, such as when modifications have been made to registry keys (e.g., Protected Process Light (PPL) settings).

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NativeDump update - Python and Golang ports

NativeDump allows to dump the lsass process using only NTAPIs. The original project is written in .NET and has been ported to Python and Golang, allowing file exfiltration and 3 methods for ntdll overwrite (both optional).

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