Using the HTTP protocol version for exfiltration

Releasing http-protocol-exfil, a tool that uses the HTTP protocol version to send a file bit by bit (“HTTP/1.0” is a 0 and “HTTP/1.1” is a 1). It uses GET requests so the Blue Team would only see the requests to your IP address.

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covert-tube - Control systems with Youtube

A program to control systems remotely by uploading videos to Youtube using Python to create the videos and the listener, similar to some malware I was reading about. It allows to create videos with frames formed of simple text, QR codes with cleartext or QR codes using AES encryption.

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Exfiltrating files using MSSQL

A scenario where we have to upload files to a server whose MSSQL credentials we know (so we have remote code execution) but the server is in other network. For that, we will transfer the base64-encoded file line by line.

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Customizing Lsass Dumps with C++

Dumping the Lsass process to get the passwords stored in memory in a Windows machine is one of the most common uses of Mimikatz. However, there are stealthier methods to do this, such as using custom code. Doing so, we can customize the dump file name, using the hostname and date as name and harmless extensions such as “.txt” instead of “.dmp”.

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