StealthyEnv - Get environment variables from PEB structure

Alternative to whoami.exe or other well-known binaries to get the environment variables. It is written in C# and I guess it is stealthier because it gets the values parsing the PEB structure.


It works like this:

  • Function NtQueryInformationProcess returns a “PROCESS_BASIC_INFORMATION” structure containing a pointer to the PEB base address.

  • The PEB structure contains a pointer “ProcessParameters” to a RTL_USER_PROCESS_PARAMETERS structure.

  • From that structure you can get a pointer “Environment” to the environment variables and a pointer “EnvironmentSize” to the size of the environment variables.

  • Reading the number of bytes indicated in “EnvironmentSize” from the address “Environment” as UNICODE text, you get the environment variables.



64 bit process:

64 bits

32 bit process:

32 bits

Written on November 2, 2023